Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome & Hello!

Ha, it took me 3 post to get to say hello. So, I got my iPhone a few months ago, and finally getting to start using it more and more. I'm also trying to get more organized with my personal and professional life. On top of that, I'm working on improving my time management skill and just myself in general.

In the spirit of improving myself, I felt that sharing my experiences would be a good start. Therefore, I started this Blog. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some of the knowledge that my experiences bring to me. I know, very subjective, and perhaps not much help to anyone. In any case, at the very least, it will serve as sort of a journal of some kind. I should be able to see my posts here and remember what I was doing in the past.

I haven't post any pictures, but I will start soon. Also, I will hopefully get into posting some videos. For now, I'm looking for the best software to be able to post on this and other web sites with my phone. I found and installed, CellSpin. Which lets you post to a few other sites.

One thing I didn't like about CellSpin, was that I had typed a long post, then went back to the main screen on my iPhone, and when I went back to CellSpin, I had to re-type the whole thing. So now I know, I can't quit the application until I send the info. (I did get a call while typing, and that did not cause me to loose my info)

  • For posting on Blogs with your iPhone (or other cell phones I believe) try using. CELLSPIN
I'll leave you with that. So thank you for reading, and welcome to the blog.

Thanks for reading,
Luis Sinibaldi

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